Thursday, 11 September 2008

Ground, swallow me up!

Have started a fun list here of truely embarrassing moments your child has innocently given you, starting with:

1) Top of my bunch is a shopping trip to PC World. Ds is four, and has just started to discover the magic of Roald Dahl. Excitedly, be grabs my hand, drags me away from my inspection of the cheapest flat screens over to a very, very rotund lady in the digital voice recorder section (eerie how this is all still so crystal clear in my mind) and says, 'mummy, mummy, look it's her! It's violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! And she's turning violet, look! Look!' Ds smothered quickly, fed lollypop, all exit shop. Days before we go out again.

Hope over to my other blog or add yours here!

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